Beacon work

Growth and Transformation - Brane-Power Quantum technology of the new millennium for your awakening and conscious life.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Super Energetic Generator for Quantum Mechanical Auxciliary Effects

This is a short story about what a German physicist said upon seeing a Brane-Power amulet for the first time.

A friend of ours, Matthias,  went to Germany last year to visit family. He was wearing a Brane-Power amulet. According to him, he never had mentioned anything about the amulets to his brother.

When they met, his brother saw the amulet and said this:
Ah, ein superenergetische Generator fuer quantum-mechanische Hilfseffecte
= a superenergetic generator for quantum mechanical auxiliary effects.

Wow, Matthias was duly impressed - so was I.
Interesting that this physicist wished not to be identified with his place of employment, he did grant permission to quote him though.

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