Beacon work

Growth and Transformation - Brane-Power Quantum technology of the new millennium for your awakening and conscious life.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Beaconwork - Parallel Universe access


Most "aliens" are interdimensional travelers. The ones who aren't are
wormhole navigators.

In advanced civilizations -- which Earth isn't -- "sailing" the wormhole seas
and oceans is just as common as sailing the seas and oceans of Earth are
to the present Earthian cultures.

It wasn't that long ago that Earthian humans were dumbfounded by oceanic
travel. Trans-Oceanic shipbuilding is a fairly recent science dating back to
the 15th and 16th centuries, although small oceanic vessels were built by
the Vikings, Phoenicians, Minoans, Atlanteans and Polynesians as early as
the 3rd Millenium B.C.

Still, it wasn't until recently that ocean voyages for the average person
became commonplace.

Air travel is of course even more recent, and when I was young, there were
no jet planes, only noisy erratic prop planes which flew at relatively low
altitudes and were totally subject to weather and bumpy air pockets, and had
crude instruments for navigating fog and for landing.

Now, air travel is quite commonplace and distances are cut by the increased
speed of air traffic. Instead of hundreds of flights per day, it's in the tens of
thousands. Planes are so computerized that they almost fly
themselves...and we're just on the brink of space travel not just for
astronauts but for the common folk -- that'd be you and me. Some civilians
have already flown into space, at least into orbit.

Many ET civilizations have survived their own Nuclear Age. We might not,
because humans are very warlike creatures, just like our nearest DNA
neighbors, the chimp.

Will there ever be a nuclear war? We already had one. It was called World
War II, and during that war, two nuclear weapons were dropped in Japan,
one on the city of Hiroshima and the other on Nagasaki...and what's more,
the Germans had The Bomb and were just on the verge of exploding it in
the harbor of New York City when the war ended.

Just as there are many kinds of "aliens" or ET visitors to Earth, there are
many modes of interdimensional travel. One of them utilizes a simple
survival vehicle which humans have characterized as a UFO or "Flying

The shapes of UFOs will vary considerably and many of them are not at all
saucer-shaped. Some are cigar-shaped, some are shaped like a spinning
top and some look like strange lumpy rocks or meteorites. Still others are
unclear and tend to pop in and out of Earth's dimensional atmosphere like
electrons vanishing from one orbit and suddenly appearing in another

Methods of travel will vary as widely as their vehicles, but when they appear
on Earth with UFO, USO or UBO vehicles, you can be sure they have made
their Trans-Dimensional Sea Voyage by way of wormholes, most of which
are created by the vehicle's "warp engines" as opposed to their antigrav
local motors.

Interdimensional travel depends largely upon interdimensional navigation.
Some ET visitors know how to get back "home". Some don't, and in this way
resemble the Vikings who had no plan to return once they got wherever they
were going.

As civilizations on Earth learned more about sea voyaging, the science of
navigation also grew and expanded accordingly. Cartography -- map-making
to you -- and the use of astrolabes, compasses, depth sounders, anti-
weather measures, long-distance submarine travel and more became
urgent. Accurate time-keeping is a product of marine voyaging.

Einstein explored what happens to time during lightspeed travel. His whole
exposition on a Unified Field of Reality is dependent upon what he imagined
would happen if someone were able to run with photons at the speed of
light, and much of interdimensional travel is about answering the magic
question, "if I were traveling at the speed of light and I turned on a flashlight,
would anything happen?".

There are several types of interdimensional travel that you need to be aware
of. One of these is IBV, or In-Body Voyaging, in which one enters a UFO
vehicle and navigates through one or more wormhole from one dimension to
another or through a single "Brane" dimension by use of wormholes to leave
and re-enter that universe.

We should differentiate "universe" and "dimension". A universe is a
contained space-time continuum boundaried by a membrane, or "Brane",
while a Dimension is merely a vector related to locational loci or "points" of

When traveling In-Body from one dimension to another, definite space and
time phenomena will be experienced. Time happens differently as we travel
up and down the scale from energy to matter, from e to m in the equation

But...there is a different style of interdimensional travel, one which does not
depend on UFO vehicles and which has been used by shamen and
magicians and witches and warlocks and all sorts of religious nuts
throughout the ages of Earthian human existence.

This "OOBE" -- Out Of Body Experience -- type of interdimensional travel is
commonly called "Astral" travel and is quite common. As a matter of fact, it
is experienced by YOU every single night, but you have been trained by your
culture to call it "dreaming".

Every single night you leave your body for some length of time. It might only
be seconds or even milli or micro seconds, but leave it, you do.

Of course remembering what happened is not easy, because in order to
leave the body, you must pass through the deep darkness of the Delta IV
stage of sleep, which has the effect of short-term memory erasure, to buffer
your psyche from any off-world or strange experience that might impinge
upon your everyday psyche.

The Essential Self can handle many types of existence and many kinds of
physics, but the delicate daytime psyche typically can't...

And so we adjust our dreams to resemble our daytime reality.

If you were able to remain conscious during Out of Body Interdimensional
Voyaging, which we call "Astral Slipstreaming", you'd be able to easily
remember what you'd seen.

Keep in mind that you travel in this way all day and all night long. You slip in
and out of a variety of parallel worlds all the time...but you are trained to live
in the Beta-Brain, so you don't notice the space changes that happen to you
all the time.

When you were a child, you had no such mental buffer, and you were aware
of the continual shifting realities.

It's time now to re-learn those skills and to see where you actually are.

Until you can see the path, you cannot consciously walk the path.

And here is what Koyote has to say after his first experiemental use of the Beacon:

This fits the experiments I conducted last night when, looking at the
beacon Eric acquired I immediately saw the potential to use to create
a cosmic astral ship. We started a series of experiments with
traveling by creating a UFO out of our temple. I invited three
passengers to witness (and later be trained as navigator, stabilizer,
and energy/space monitor). Your apparatus works wonderfully well. I
was able to take the crew in a safe and amazingly stable journey
through macrodimensional spaces which previously I had to acccess
alone, and where to take others I had to secure the help of allies and
years of preparation.
I have been using invocational techniques and the Telling to make the
voyaging available to others, and now I believe these apparati will
provide a great navigational tool that might allow me to bring the
Telling to the next level by applying the shamanic functionality of my
assigned voyaging pod (I.e., biological machine) as it has been
transformed for shamanic work as the required membrane and directional
navigational computer with the use (of course) of your navigational
We'll make our research, notes, and charts available for you whenever
you desire.
If these tools continue to work as they did last night, we will be
able to take a quantum leap for the work development of our
community. From a shamanic point of view, we've been waiting for
these tools for nearly 26000 years. From the Toltec point of view, we
have not seen these possibilities for a thousand years. From the
point of view of a salvadoren voyager, every great interdimensional
voyage of a thousand light years begins with a 3 hours delay. So, you
are right on time, EJ!


And here a testimonial of a beacon strap: